
Iasi, also known as “the city of 7 hills” is a historical and cultural city, one of the largest in the country and the largest university centre in Romania. It is a green city thanks to its gardens and trees and tourism revolves around the historical heritage, memorial houses, multiple museums and historical and architectural monuments that bring a special charm to this wonderful city in the region of Moldova.

Enescu - Skinned alive - a movie by Toma Enache

02.11.2024: 19:00

Here every stone “speaks” of the past thanks to stories and legends, Iasi has a rich folklore and ethnographic heritage waiting to be exploited.

The city’s emblematic building is the Palace of Culture, home to several cultural institutions such as the Museum of Art, the Museum of Science, the Museum of History of Moldova, etc., but the city’s attractions are many, including Copou Park, the oldest park in the city and one of the most famous in the country, the Botanical Garden, Ion Creanga’s Bojdeuca, impressive churches and monasteries, Iasi county comprising over 70 such buildings.

Iași | Moldova | Palatul Culturii | Catedrala Mitropolitană Iași | Palatul Sturdza din Miclăușeni | Grădina Botanică Iași